Sorry. I think I got it, it is NOT only pure-text, as I saw other file types inside;
very much not only
wiki_backup_20190610.txz / attic 20mb
wiki_backup_20190610.txz / media 30mb
not shore if this reflects the evolution of docuwiki + config settings or of backup scripts or both
though it dose add the exciting possibility of creating some kind of wiki history diff function !!

EDIT: wow. I got even a full functional "microcore.tar.gz" of 6 MB.
..after an attempt at replacing internal link text with *something else*
# tar -O -xf ./wiki_backup_20190610.txz | \
awk -F"\\\[\\\[" '{if(NF == 2 && index($0,"://") == 0){ split($2,l,"|") ;print $1"[[http://localhost/wiki.cgi?url="l[1]"#|"l[2]}else{print} }'
currently mulling the possibilitys of lynx-cgi , or `real` httpd , shell2http perhaps or awk + netcat/nc
or some kind of repl like navigation , perhaps taking some inspiration from usr/bin/tce