Command: 'php -v'
php: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any insight on this?
A heads up on this type of error..
Whenever you receive this message "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file" it means the application was already compiled against the missing module and said library can't be found. Usually the application has been updated and the extension maintainer forgot to update it's dep file.
To temporarily resolve this error, open APPS > apps > cloud > browse > provides (under search drop-down menu) > copy/paste "" into the search bar and hit enter to find the extension which includes the missing library. Temporarily add the missing extension to onboot.lst until the dep file has been updated or add the extension name to the applications dep file. Then load the missing extension or reboot.
tce-load -i pcre2.tcz
It's sufficient to post the error message and the extension name which resolved the error that prevented the application from loading. pcre2.tcz as in this case. It's the responsibility of the extension maintainer to correct the dep file and submit an update. However admins are very kind and will usually update the dep file as needed. A quick pm to advise the maintainer would be courteous.