Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v10.0

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Please forgive my ignorance, but how does one go about applying these fixes?  Is there a new core.gz I can download?

Hi TomyTurbos
Is this what you are looking for:


--- Quote from: Rich on January 31, 2019, 07:48:22 PM ---Hi TomyTurbos
Is this what you are looking for:

--- End quote ---

Thanks for answering.

The file appears to be identical to the original. (same date and byte count)

Hi TomyTurbos
Everything else mention in this thread refers to extensions which can be updated using the  Apps  utility.


--- Quote from: Rich on January 31, 2019, 08:02:18 PM ---Hi TomyTurbos
Everything else mention in this thread refers to extensions which can be updated using the  Apps  utility.

--- End quote ---

Thanks again.
Rather than get into an extensive trouble-shoot in this thread, I'll just say that this has to do with the X11 error, which was reported as fixed.  I am getting that error and suspect that other problems are related.

So, I just need to know how to apply the fixes, particularly the one regarding X11 locale. 

I apologize for not being a Linux/TC wizard, but it appears to be a typo in the script.  But I don't know which script or where to find it, let alone what the proper pathname is.  Nor do I know where to get the current dev copy of core.gz, which should quickly and easily resolve that issue.


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