Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Tiny Core v10.0
kvm-4.19.10-tinycore.tcz fixed.
libX11 startup script adjusted
I just tried jwm in tc-10.x x86 and I get the top bar as expected - /tmp/wm_error shows:
--- Code: ---JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[11]: invalid tag in Active: Text
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[12]: invalid tag in Active: Title
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[16]: invalid tag in WindowStyle: Inactive
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[26]: invalid tag in TaskListStyle: ActiveForeground
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[27]: invalid tag in TaskListStyle: ActiveBackground
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[43]: invalid tag in PagerStyle: ActiveForeground
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[44]: invalid tag in PagerStyle: ActiveBackground
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[51]: invalid tag in MenuStyle: ActiveForeground
JWM: warning: ./.jwmrc-theme[52]: invalid tag in MenuStyle: ActiveBackground
--- End code ---
as per this:
..there have been changes to the configuration file format - jwm-2.3.xslt doesn't seem to fix everything, so if anybody would like to submit patches, please feel free :)
Edit: got it - updated jwm posted
--- Quote from: Juanito on January 22, 2019, 01:22:07 AM ---I wonder if this is due to using flwm - with or without "-full-screen" qemu starts "full height" for me and <ctl-alt-f> doesn't really do it either.
qemu was not compiled against gtk, which might work better for full-screen...
Did things work as expected in tc-9?
--- End quote ---
I use FLWM, no GTK .
In tc-7 is normal .
but tc-9 not .
Oh, at window modle, < CTL - Alt -f > is also effective.
Thank you
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