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Author Topic: a mk pkg helper idea : tce-rec XXX, tce-rec --suspend/restore, tce-rec --done  (Read 1602 times)

Offline flavien

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I don't know if it's a good idea but...

tce-rec PKG_NAME :
log current directory
run a keylogger
show ! tce-rec PKG_NAME in red on top right console corner
mount an overlayfs /tmp/tce-rec/PKG_NAME on /

tce-rec --suspend :
suspend keylogger
show ! suspended tce-rec PKG_NAME in gray on top right console corner
umount the overlayfs

tce-rec [--restore] :
log current directory again
restore keylogger
show ! tce-rec PKG_NAME in red on top right console corner again
remount overlayfs /tmp/tce-rec/PKG_NAME on /

tce-rec --done :
show a first dialog multichoices (all selected) to filter keylogger lines to keep
show a second dialog multichoices (all selected) to filter new added files to keep
show a last dialog to optionaly add other files
detect presence of new "lib/module/kernel" files in order to output a "PKG_NAME-KERNEL_SPECIFIC.tcz" file
generate the tcz file
then, umount the overlayfs, stop keylogger, and ask to pull request log + tcz created files (with optionnal comment).
remove top right console corner message.

tce-rec --cancel :
remove top right console corner message.umount the overlayfs, stop keylogger, and ask to send log file in a ticket (with optionnal comment).
If yes :

show a first dialog multichoices (all selected) to filter keylogger lines to keep
show a second dialog multichoices (all selected) to filter new added files to keep

Tips : The log file file could help someone else to reproduce easily the operations in other architectures, or in other TCE version...

Do you like it?  :)

PS : + think about dependencies...
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 10:00:42 AM by flavien »

Offline flavien

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In the same spirit, this can be extended by a "tce-edit PKG_NAME" command to pull packages updates requests...

Offline NinjaCowboy

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What is the overall purpose of this?

Offline flavien

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(tce-rec means "tce-record")
An example :

You want to create a new tce package.

1 you run all build dependancies with tce-load.

2 you wget and compile source on tmp/retroarch

3 :
#tce-rec retroarch
#make install

4 oops, you forgot a build dependency :
#tce-rec --suspend
#tce-load -wi gcc

5 :
#tce-rec --restore
then try 3) again

6 : it's ok, you optionaly work on conf files :
#nano /etc/retroarch.conf

7 :
#tce-rec --done
And you get a list with created/modified files, and you just have to unselect what you doesn't want.
And you get a (key)log file that can be use as a draft of a build script for next maintainers.
You just have to list run dependencies and it's ok.
You can be asked to send it automatically to a repository as a pull request with a comment...