Still stuck.
Found and edited
context.txt. Can't change the resolution that way as far as I can see.
Tried uncommenting in turn:
no display
Resolution stubbornly stuck at low or very low.
Searched Apps for 'vnc' and get only two results - one for tigervnc viewer, and x11vnc as the only server available in .tcz form.
Are there other vnc servers that will run on piCore? If so, where can one find them?
Tried tigervnc viewer 64bit on Windows.
The program has options to set the display resolution directly and also to 'resize remote session to local window'.
Tried two different resolutions - both 1024x768 (the default) and 1920x1080. Also tried 'resize..' to local window.
Neither works to enlarge the remote window - it just scales up the low res screen to a bigger view size, but gives no more effective resolution.
Anything else to try?
I've looked on this page: suggests using either
-geometry widthxheight or equivalently
-scale widthxheight parameters when starting
x11vnc server.
This doesn't change the resolution at the remote end, and just scales it up to that size on the viewer screen.
I notice that it does say at the top 'allow VNC connections to
real X11 displays' (my emphasis).
Does this mean it can't set a resolution when running headless (no 'real' display)?
It was all working fine when there was a real monitor with Full HD resolution plugged in, but that isn't a realistic option for the intended end use.
Can anyone offer any further help before we just give up on this distro?
It is all proving an order of magnitude more difficult than we expected or can cope with.
Perhaps I should start a new topic for the resolution change - it seems to be an unsolved problem?