I have successfully built a raspberry pi based audio streamer with piCore, using cifs (to mount my network share with its music), mpd, alsa, and busybox-httpd (to serve album images).
Everything is working just perfectly, but I realized now that all my extensions are mounted from /mnt/mmcblk0p2/. As far as I understand, this is not good if I now want to do a "hard" shutdown. My device is configured with only a power knob, which turns on and off the power supply inside the case... this was intentional, since the case mimics a vintage Sony line, so a soft-shutdown is no option.
So my question now is, how do I change all the extensions to be loaded into RAM, so that I don't have to worry when doing a hard shutdown?
I read about copy2fs, but all documentation I can find about it relates to the graphical installer. I don't have the GUI installed, and don't really want to, either.
I see there is a bunch of tce-* scripts, but I am a bit lost as to which one to use in order to do what I want...