Juanito/JasonW - you guys have done great work with the ALSA stuff recently. Tons of great reading/help on the forum.
I run an HP Mini 1001 with an Intel HDA card. It works using just the stock alsa.tcel and alsa-modules extensions.
Two concerns:
I get a random, sharp 'click' out of the card when the snd-intel-hda module is loaded. It occurs every 5-15 seconds. Very brief pop. The more I use the card, the more often it happens. No dmesg error or anything else funny.
The speaker volume spans from 50-100, not from 0-100 in alsamixer. Settings from 0-50 are all completely silent. Startup speaker volume is muted, but I think that is normal. I plan to call alsamixer from bootlocal to turn up the speaker setting.
I'll appreciate your advice, esp on the popping/clicking.