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Author Topic: Repo Maintenance  (Read 2021 times)

Offline CentralWare

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Repo Maintenance
« on: October 12, 2018, 11:52:33 PM »
Good day everyone!
I ran an update to our mirror last night (using a script I wrote as opposed to using wget as a mirror, rsync, etc.) and a few descrepencies were found which aren't major, but exist none the less thus I figured I'd send them up the pipe just in case anyone cares to know! :)

v6 x86_64 submitqc5 is listed in sizelist (for example) however the file comes back 404 if you were to try and download it from tinycorelinux.net
   > I did not check with any mirrors to see if the same applied there, but since we're talking as far back as v6 it's probably global.

v7 armv6/v7 both have apache2.4-mod-php5.tcz listed however the file is nowhere to be found.

v8 armv6 expat2, expat2-doc and expat2-dev are also listed but MIA

v10 I'm not worried about as it's beta and things are expected to come and go.  For example, a few glibc_*.tcz files are ON the server but not listed in sizelist, etc.

* When i say "file" I'm referring to filename.TCZ and all associated files such as .tcz.dep, .tcz.info, etc.

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: Repo Maintenance
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2018, 12:30:39 AM »
v6 x86_64 submitqc5 is listed in sizelist (for example) however the file comes back 404 if you were to try and download it from tinycorelinux.net
   > I did not check with any mirrors to see if the same applied there, but since we're talking as far back as v6 it's probably global.

This may have been my fault,  but iirc submitqc5.tcz has had various names, all have been superseded by the current submitqc.tcz extension.    Really is a moot point considering no extension from a previous repo versions will ever be updated, making this extension and any variation of in pre 9.0 repo's obsolete.

Offline CentralWare

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Re: Repo Maintenance
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2018, 02:37:18 AM »

It's not a big deal @ all, I was just Spring Fall cleaning our end and found a few things listed in the file lists which aren't actually "in" the repo so I figured I'd shout out.
(After some manual clean-up, there's also quite a few files which are from typo-hell scattered about which ended up here from way back during our very first mirroring :)
Things like filename.tgz instead of tcz and other habit based typos!)
Is it safe to assume there's a script somewhere which updates these files (ie: sizelist, md5, provies, etc.)?  When does this ever get launched?
Take care and have a great one!

Offline curaga

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Re: Repo Maintenance
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2018, 03:13:13 AM »
Things like that are generated whenever we add new extensions to a repo. It's never run for old repos since we don't add new extensions there.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.