Good day everyone!
I ran an update to our mirror last night (using a script I wrote as opposed to using wget as a mirror, rsync, etc.) and a few descrepencies were found which aren't major, but exist none the less thus I figured I'd send them up the pipe just in case anyone cares to know!
![Smiley :)](
v6 x86_64
submitqc5 is listed in sizelist (for example) however the file comes back 404 if you were to try and download it from
> I did not check with any mirrors to see if the same applied there, but since we're talking as far back as v6 it's probably global.
v7 armv6/v7 both have
apache2.4-mod-php5.tcz listed however the file is nowhere to be found.
v8 armv6
expat2, expat2-doc and expat2-dev are also listed but MIA
v10 I'm not worried about as it's beta and things are expected to come and go. For example, a few glibc_*.tcz files are ON the server but not listed in sizelist, etc.
* When i say "file" I'm referring to filename.TCZ and all associated files such as .tcz.dep,, etc.