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Author Topic: Updated libgphoto2 request  (Read 5569 times)

Offline cbookou

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Updated libgphoto2 request
« on: September 20, 2018, 11:54:15 AM »
The most recent version of libgphoto2 in the repo ( was updated in ~2010 by the looks of it.

Any chance of an update to the latest version (2.5.19)?

I think the original was made by Daniel Barnes but he's not been particularly active in the past few years.

Edit: actually, it looks like 2.5.7 is listed in the 9.x tcz extensions (http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86_64/tcz/) but i can't find it in /tcz/src (http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86_64/tcz/src/). Unfortunately, that version still isn't new enough as my camera was just added in the latest update.  :-\
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 12:20:20 PM by cbookou »


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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2018, 08:52:03 PM »

until you get a better reply.....and assuming you need an update to the 32 package

I think the original was made by Daniel Barnes but he's not been particularly active in the past few years.

while Daniel's page suggests
Last Active:     May 11, 2018, 03:34:19 AM
so you may not know that you can see him a pm, forgive me, if you have already done this.

A member may post something in May and still be using TC and so content they have nothing to post about in the last few months

2) because you mention both 32 bit and 64 bit packages Daniel is the downstream maintainer of our 32 bit while the 64 bit is version 2.5.7 and appears to be maintained by Juanito.

so are you able to run both 32 bit and 64 bit.......x86 and x86_64?


PS Depending on whether you have pm'ed Daniel or not, do you mind mentioning if you have an Android or an iPhone?
and have you tried other packages that can interact with these phones?

Offline cbookou

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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2018, 10:37:07 PM »
I'm trying to track down if it's 32 or 64bit. Unfortunately we don't have it very well documented.

I was able to find the following in the core.gz file. "lib/modules/3.16.6-tinycore/kernel/drivers".

I think that means we're using tinycore 3.16.6? Do you know of any surefire way to find out from a tinycore iso where to get the exact version and architecture?

I'll try PMing them once I get that info.

I'm not certain what android or iphone has to do with this? The camera I'm referring to is the Panasonic GH5.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 10:47:28 PM by cbookou »


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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2018, 06:24:53 AM »

until you get a better reply .
I'm trying to track down if it's 32 or 64bit

please post the output of this command.....and I am now guessing you have only one build
Code: [Select]
uname -rOn 64 bit ....my output ends in tinycore64 and I am pretty sure you are on 32 bit as mine output shows
Code: [Select]
ls /lib/modules/

thats the kernel release number or version you are using .

Why can't you download the latest ISO?

The camera I'm referring to is the Panasonic GH5
sorry my bad...I assumed most people no longer use a stand alone camera
--I am an oldie but have a smart phone

Offline cbookou

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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 03:51:56 PM »
Finally got some answers. Current version we're running is TinyCore 5.X 32-bit. We're upgrading to TinyCore 9.X 64-bit.

So I'll reach out to Juanito. Thanks for your help!


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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2018, 09:51:54 PM »
I know Juanito is very busy. So in the meantime I have apparently succeeded in making an update. I will look at front end, which won't need Juanito's permission to submit.

in the meantime here is possible proof your cam is supported
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/print-camera-list human-readable | grep GH5
1754|ptp2                |PTP                 |Panasonic DC-GH5

There are a couple of possibilities.

If you are impatient, send me a pm....and I can link you to the unofficial packages or just the build script.
Altho I tried to cheat off the existing build script here

I had errors until I loaded more packages and so if you do want to build your own package and update your self you may like to know this is the amended build deps

compiletc submitqc libexif-dev libtool-dev libusb-dev libxml2-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev liblzma-dev

also I need to find an old digital camera to test that my build actually works but I like the look of gtkam for that purpose.

Other possibles are: Juanito who is very busy may like you to become the maintainer or he may like to me to have a go etc etc.

blowing my own trumpet, I much prefer to ask to submit only if I can test the update works correctly.

Let me know your thoughts if you wish or ignore them which is also OK.

I forgot to mention that if like to test out my build, I can offer locales and man pages packages too.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 09:56:04 PM by aus9 »

Offline cbookou

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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2018, 09:58:44 PM »
Juanito said he was away for a couple of weeks but would give it a look when he returned.

In the meantime, I'd love to get ahold of that unofficial build, if you don't mind. The quicker I can start testing it, the better.

Are you saying those other packages are also required to run the extension? Or just to build it?


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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2018, 11:01:47 PM »
see pm pls


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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2018, 06:05:48 AM »
as I would be drifting off topic I have posted about gphoto2.....a command line tool that can interact with libgphoto2

Offline Juanito

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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2018, 09:15:37 AM »
updated libgphoto2 posted to tc-9.x x86_64 repo

Offline cbookou

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Re: Updated libgphoto2 request
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2018, 02:49:34 PM »
Thanks again Juanito!