wiki...I am to blame for poor writing. It was me who made up those rules after a discussion with gutmensch. In context you may see that I wrote (or I think I wrote)
Tiny Core special settings, e.g. root:staff for /usr/local/tce.installed and 775
All files root:root, 644 for files, 755 for executables, 755 for directories
Meaning I need to obey the top rule before I can apply the rules below. Maybe I should have written that as ...........All "other" files root:root etc
I believe TC's special use rules applies only to the installed directory, not the files within it.
and this is what I was seeking clarity on. thanks now that I read the link
I see Juanito has said
Only the /usr/local/tce.installed folder needs to be root:staff - the files in the folder can be tc:staff
but I was not aware of his post when I did my stuff to that wiki years ago.
3) But being may see lots of people including a moderator in a recent post with me
showed a build -compile script where he used the recursive switch
chown -R root:staff package-name/usr/local/tce.installed (from memory he wrote a variable for package-name etc)
and believe it or not....I think build scripts that have a single line using -R are easy and manageable. It was probably me who wrote that chown in the wiki I use /tmp to build packages
IMHO for tce.installed, we should keep it checking is easier and quicker?
IMHO it seems non-intuitive to have the dir with one owner group and file below a different owner
4) and lets pretend I don't know what I am talking about

just run
ls -al /usr/local/tce.installed
when you have a number of packages loaded more than xbase.lst
to my eyesight it looks messy or un-professional to see both root:staff and tc:staff
thats my 2 cents worth