From a common small users POView, is Tinycorelinux Safe and Secure from Meltdown vulnarablity ?
What I know abt it is :
Meltdown and /or Spectre exploit can access any kind of priviledged data like pwords, emails, personal info in memory which only a CPU processor can have access while executing low-level instructions.
Ordinarily, the mechanisms described above are considered secure. They provide the basis for most modern operating systems and processors. Meltdown exploits the way these features interact, to bypass the CPU's fundamental privilege controls and access privileged and sensitive data from the operating system and other processes.
One can say that the data that is mapped in virtual memory (much of which the process is not supposed to be able to access), and look at how the CPU responds when a process attempts to access unauthorized memory. The process is running on a vulnerable version of Windows, Linux , or MacOS, on a 64 bit processor of a vulnerable type. Unfortunately this is a very common combination across almost all desktop computers, notebooks, laptops, servers and mobile devices.
1) Is it solvable at TCL lvl or at Linux Kernel level from Mr. Linus T ?
2) Does it affect only 64-bit OS or 32-bit is also vulnarable ?
3) Should we worry as of now ?
Just curious !