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Author Topic: booting Laptops  (Read 3152 times)

Offline vinceASPECT

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booting Laptops
« on: July 16, 2018, 12:40:55 PM »
Hello forum,

well i am lucky and got a new Laptop............

1) Ivy Bridge CPU..........

2)  HP  Laptop  Eitebook 8470p 

3) Core i5 3210M    (Hardware Virtualization included)

4) 128 gig SSD

5) 4 gig DDR 3 Ram

6) DVD ram drive

7) HD screen  with advanced AMD radeon Graphics

..............running win 10 pro 64 bit........

........but anyhow..........i was wondering does anybody know the FILE that exists by which  "win 10"  boots please?
and if so could you tell me?

.........in Old winXP it was the "boot.ini" file............

Also.........i am seeing on the web that setting the "swap drive" for ........win 10 64 bit...........should be say a MINIMUM at say about 35 percent of your installed REAL RAM..........and the MAX is 3 multiples of your REAL RAM......
So put............  1399M.........to.............12000M..........in the advanced settings of windows (virtual memory)
Custom setting.

Do people concur?


« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 12:46:05 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline Misalf

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2018, 05:03:08 PM »
Windows uses Boot Configuration Data (BCD) on newer systems for managing the boot options and multi booting other systems via the Windows Boot Loader (bootmgr). I did install Tiny Core alongside Windows 10 a few months back. You can use  bcdedit , a Windows internal command line tool, or there are other, graphical third party tools like EasyBCD.

For the page file I used to set a fixed value so it wont fragment due to Windows decreasing and increasing it's size in cases of low or high memory demand. In case of SSD this won't matter though so I'd go for a lower value because Windows swaps more if the page file is big and less if the page file is small. But in the end it depends on what software you use and inf 4GB is enough for that.
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2018, 09:04:02 AM »
Right Misalf.

It's all new to me....not really seen windows 10..........since just a tiny while back.

The stats says --win 10 64 bit--- alone needs   (2 gigs ) of Ram............that's sort of gulping over 50 percent
of possible resources.....ticking....idling......

So .....Misalf..........that fact above, is partly the reason i began to look at the "virtual memory" settings.....
I found the specific MSOFT page on setting Vmemory in win 10 64 bit.............it stipulates exactly what to use, as i detailed.
 to you earlier.

The Laptop machine is Okay........however, i learn stuff all the time........(it's a challenge going along really...)


This machine seems defaulted with all the very very latest software.......so it's quite nice.

I did some rudimentary web research on the Laptop model. Didn't really find  any sort of skulls and crossbones.
(that's a good thing.........i guess..........)

Misalf....it seems to be quite a powerful Laptop machine......graphics GPU's etc. It has good ability to sniff WI FI Maslif.

I just completed my CITY GUILDS qualifications in "ICT systems support and computer support" with all distinctions
and so earned the Laptop.

Thanks for your ideas. What i use Misalf is "Time Freeze" free tool..........it keeps my windows in an always virtual state
until i dump the session. It keeps a windows virgin............just enjoy that idea.  (i click it off when installing stuff or permanent
changes)......(i sleep it a lot).......the Laptop.....etc

You know MIsalf....i looked at Laptop history..............jeez............they started to arrive in about 1990  really.......and you know pretty much nothing has changed since then........(well.....Msoft controlling everything.....if you know anything about how Msoft abstracts its hardware layers to entertain or dissolve other hardware manufacs.....and gets motherboard makers licence agreeements on that................the whole thing is a giant Msoft revenue stream



Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2018, 09:32:36 AM »
Hello again,

Misalf..........thanks for your advice...

It is just my primary interests (hardware)  .........that took me into this thread about booting  PC's.

INdeed, one can do these steps 

1) Type in start search box  "cmd"
2) Right click result in (1) above..........select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR
3) type  in the black command box    "bcdedit"
4) You see the results of (3) appear as listed comments and ASPECTS of it...

5) You see down that list "windows boot loader".........entries like -----OS DEVICE-----and-----DEVICE----are seen

6) You can type the command............. "bcdedit  /delete osdevice"...........then you have altered the BOOTING of this windows machine to the point where it will no longer be able to start the computer up..........

Infact, unless its a virtual machine or network booted in a VM.............you won't be able to start this PC again......without extraneous effort.......
NOT least of which.........would be a complete and utter RE-licensing of the entire OS install process of any vendor........and keys and so forth.

Why is the above important?...

Well it must be worth knowing,that is, the sheer rudiments of hardware versus software for rudimentary knowledge.
It's good to know ........  Misalf..........



Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2018, 10:48:19 AM »
hELLO m (All)

Would anybody know about the "recovery" feature of new Laptops (wi 10).......?....

it stipulates on it's recovery screen (just press here and win10 will re-install).......

So it makes no mention of the (user) needing the win 10 Dvd disc...........?
(it just recovers the whole thing via some hidden partition?)...

it makes out that it indeed doesn't take very long........either.....(maybe 10 mins)

if you know, pls advise.  The thing is (forum).....i would really like to maybe run "Hyper OS" tool .....in the long run.....


Offline Pats

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2018, 07:56:37 AM »
Actually this Q can be better answered in some Windoz forum ...
Anyways - ... Although I stopped using Windoz many years back , but guess following options are posible for automatic backup-n-restore :

1) M$'s own One-Drive service is already built into Windoz 10, which helps backups and restore.

2) New hard drives supplied with some laptops have their own backup software,  free of charge. 

3 ) No need of HDD for backups , many  good cloud storage services are available for free,  where all the backup data is stored transperent to currntly running processes in background - if this option is enabled .

My guess stops here !  :)

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2018, 05:10:43 PM »
Hello there,

Yes...well ....it is an interesting subject.  I have been around computers a long while and
without effort, i can crash any Operating system and the entire machine in approx three to five minutes
just by my normal usage patterns.

That said, therefor,  recovering and so forth is a necessity............. on unstable "sold" products such as Msoft Win..... and indeed
most consumer operating systems on the market.........and hardware platforms of the consumer world.

You see this is why, Msoft and things like this are thrown in.....with bits of silicon and a twenty dollar screen new......it's
what they are worth......!   ( go figure)  ..........

Linux is worse in many respects since it just says  "free" so therefor
anything and everything can be Uncompleted.....half working....half the other half wondering why .....and most importantly--------
---------ad infinite item use of users TIME...........WHICH  IS NOT FREE.

As a helpful thing.....indeed my earlier post here in this thread (1 back) is exactly correct for anybody to learn. There is complete free
10 minute recovery in win 10 .....

There are similar tools for Linux........(pants).......that allow it to sit in a virtual state.....and so you can just Clone the entire
OS in about 30 seconds with all installed apps etc....into new FREE computers that you created....ad infinite item.
(your only limit is HDD sizes in racks etc......it's virtualized complete computers in both HW/and sw.......in 30 seconds

THis allows large corps and mission critical places to just ignore both Hardware and Software and also ignore USERS-------- WHO ARE THE MAIN FAULT and PROBLEM in most of the e commerce working world......  (Pats is included....lol  )

It's similar approach to HyperOS. and is crossplatform...... for any platform in existence.
https://alternativeto.net/software/lethe/   (part/there-of)




« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 05:12:29 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline Pats

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2018, 12:25:47 AM »
i can crash any Operating system and the entire machine in approx three to five minutes
 Does any efforts necessary / required  from users side to crash Windoz ?  Its a natural phenomena ! :) 

  Linux is worse in many respects since it just says  "free" so therefor
anything and everything can be Uncompleted.....half working....half the other half wondering why ..

Though Linux kernel is developed by only one person , but after that its a large community project supported by many self-help groups and individuals like us , who are contributing to complete the other uncompleted half work ! And that is the fun part of Linux , which is now preferred in many mission critical projects like space technology etc. 

... THis allows large corps and mission critical places to just ignore both Hardware and Software and also ignore USERS-------- WHO ARE THE MAIN FAULT and PROBLEM 

LOL ! Good one !  :)

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: booting Laptops
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2018, 10:07:05 AM »
hELLO THere...

Thanks very much for your wise inputs earlier.

Yeah, you are entirely right indeed ......and also (said OS ) doesn't often much like talking to other third party hardware that (said OS)
does not endorse....

Indeed curving right back around to your other points, (clever marketing......planned obsolescence..  ........oh dear dear dear)  (sad face)

Hardware abstraction Layer............ HAL........there within lies the (said OS) gremlins at work..........   :(

We do the best we can ......     
