I created an ext2 file-system on `/dev/ram0` ramdisk, and mounted it at `/mnt/ram`.
mkdir /mnt/ram
mkext2fs /dev/ram0
sudo mount /dev/ram0 /mnt/ram -o rw
Reading from ramdisk with `dd` works.
dd if=/dev/ram0 bs=1 count=1
When I want to write the contents of the file `my_file` to ramdisk, it fails.
dd if=./my_file of=/dev/ram0 bs=1 count=1
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0B) copied, 0.000913 seconds, 0B/s
However, just reading the file dumps its content on stdin.
dd if=./my_file bs=1 count=1
The permission on `/dev/ram0` shows rw permisssion for root.
ls -l /dev/ram0
brw-rw---- 1 root staff 1, 0 Jul 5 02:56 /dev/ram0
What does prevent dd from writing to `/dev/ram0`?