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Author Topic: Yet another boot time thread...  (Read 4717 times)

Offline nekonime

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Yet another boot time thread...
« on: June 25, 2018, 08:12:30 PM »
I have piCore v7 running on my Pi Zero, and have managed to reduce the boot time a fair amount, but still nothing like I would hope.
(Note: I started using v7 as v9 was so unbearably slow on both my Pi Zero and Pi 2, taking well over 3 min to boot into Midori.)

Here's what I've got so far.

Aaaaaaand I'm out of ideas. Is there anything else I could disable or modify to speed up the process? or is Midori and its shit ton of dependencies just that heavy?

Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 08:14:24 PM by nekonime »

Offline Rich

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Re: Yet another boot time thread...
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 11:23:07 PM »
Hi nekonime
you could try adding the following boot codes:
Code: [Select]
printk.time=1 syslogAfter booting, go to  /var/log/messages.  Take a look through that file and see if anything is taking a long time to complete.

Offline nekonime

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Re: Yet another boot time thread...
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2018, 12:23:41 AM »
I'll add a link to pastebin below, but it seems like from 4 to 25 seconds in the boot process is spent on loading all of Midori's dependencies. I ran this on my Pi 2 because I don't yet have a new ethernet adapter for my Pi Zero, so boot times are slightly faster, but still... seems like an awful lot for a web browser.


The longest waits look like
0:00:13 to 0:00:17 (line 481) with the command /sbin/ldconfig,
0:00:19 to 0:00:23 (line 513) with fontconfig
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 12:32:45 AM by nekonime »

Offline Pengo

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Re: Yet another boot time thread...
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2018, 03:21:27 PM »
(from the top of my head so bare with me if it is not 100% correct, also not sure if it works for piCore as I only tested it on TinyCore)

A few months ago I came accross a nice script that allows you to combine all tcz's that are in your onboot.lst
search the forum for "deps-merge.sh"

This script will allow you to combine all your tcz's into one big file which speeds up the boot process as only one tcz needs to be taken care of after that instead of the whole list.

Beware that you would have to redo this deps-merge-step after each and every update (tce-update) though.
Also make sure that the big.tcz is the only one you're loading (only one in onboot.lst).
Hence keep a copy of the original onboot.lst because you still need it for updates and in order to revert the changes....

Have fun,

Offline Misalf

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Re: Yet another boot time thread...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 10:28:45 AM »
I was about to say the same. ;)
And yes, it works with piCore. I wrote it on and for piCore.
Here it is: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,20709.msg129934.html#msg129934
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline nekonime

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Re: Yet another boot time thread...
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2018, 05:36:27 PM »
That does sound like exactly what I'm looking for! Been super busy with night shift at work, but I'll try it out when I get home tomorrow morning.

Also a side note, does Midori handle CSS oddly for anyone else..? I can make a page work flawlessly in Chrome, but in Midori everything is oddly scaled and out of place.

Offline gavinmc42

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Re: Yet another boot time thread...
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2018, 05:56:28 AM »
but in Midori everything is oddly scaled and out of place.
I noticed the same thing, Fifth worked better but seems to have vanished from the tcz's last time I looked.