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Author Topic: 3 Pi Zeros, 8 Wifi dongles, 4 different WiFi networks, still no connection  (Read 4321 times)

Offline MagicMatt

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I've tried clean installs of TinyCore 9.0.3 on my Pi Zeros, with all kinds of different WiFi dongles and multiple WiFi networks from WEP, WPA, WPA2 and even OPEN.

Same result every single time. I can see the networks when the WiFi scans, it just will not connect.

Before I give up on TinyCore completely and relegate it to the "Not compatible with Raspberry Pi Zero" pile, I want to mirror the entire TinyCore RPi repository to a USB stick and install from there. How do I tell TinyCore to look there instead of on the (obviously not working) internet?

Offline NewUser

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Are you trying to install TinyCore 9 or PiCore 9?

Offline MagicMatt

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The Raspberry Pi release of TinyCore is called piCore. It's TinyCore (piCore) 9.0.3

Offline Paul_123

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piCore works just fine with the ZeroW and USB sticks.   One thing you cannot have is SSID's/passwords with special characters in them.   Just download the extensions you need and put them in the optional folder on the micro SD card.

These are the extensions that you need for the zero.   You will also need firmware-rpi3-wireless.tcz for the zeroW   or possibly one of the other firmware files for other USB devices.


Offline MagicMatt

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I created a network specifically to test TinyCore after failing to connect to my regular WiFi networks.

SSID: AlienAbduction
Password: TheXFiles

Exactly the same issue. I have all the extensions installed, located in my tce folder, and added to onboot.lst, after the wifi firmware file.

This is a regular Zero, not a Zero W.

Offline bmarkus

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Did you check related dmesg lines?
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Offline Greg Erskine

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I'll give it ago...

Add all these extensions plus the appropriate firmware-???.tcz to optional directory.

Add wifi.tcz and appropriate firmware-???.tcz to onboot.lst

Add "wifi.sh -a &" to /opt/bootlocal.sh

Do a backup "filetool.sh -b" to save above.


"tce-status -i" will give a list of installed extensions.

Edit /home/tc/wifi.db

Do a backup "filetool.sh -b"


Install USB wifi adaptor.

Power up

I haven't tested this.

If this hasn't helped, you might need to post your procedure in detail, I am sure someone will pick the missing step.


    [EDIT]: Fixed typo, changed  wifi -a &  to  wifi.sh -a &.  Rich
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 08:35:30 PM by Rich »

Offline Misalf

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You may try to change the WPA driver via  /etc/sysconfig/wifi-wpadrv
to either  wext  or  nl80211 .
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 08:02:30 AM by Misalf »
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline Greg Erskine

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Good point Misalf,

I remember changing /etc/sysconfig/wifi-wpadrv to: "nl80211,wext" many moons ago. I wonder if "wext,nl80211" makes a difference?

I also note a typo in my previous post "wifi -a &" should be "wifi.sh -a &"


Offline Rich

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Hi Greg Erskine
... I also note a typo in my previous post "wifi -a &" should be "wifi.sh -a &" ...
Typo fixed.

Offline CentralWare

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@MagicMatt: The PiZero-W has a single WiFi device "everyone" uses, so testing out a problem is a breeze since we'd already know what hardware is being used; in your case this isn't "AS" easy (especially remotely) so give this a go:

1. It sounded like you're using four SEPARATE brands/types of WiFi dongles?
    a. Are you using a USB->OTG adapter to connect the Wifi directly to the PiZero or through a hub?
    b. If you connected something like a USB memory stick with the same adapter or hub, does it work?

2. The power supply (my suspected culprit) MAY be struggling to power both the Pi and the USB device(s).
    a. Try another unit/brand of a 5V 2.4+ amp supply
    b. If you have a computer power supply (ATX) that's even better as they're plenty strong.
        If you need a hand with this drop me a line here - it's a simple and rather inexpensive process.

3. When you boot the PiCore image and type iwconfig do you see your Wifi dongle listed?  (Usually WLAN0)
    a. If it's not listed, see #2 above
    b. If it's listed, SCAN for networks (don't enter SSID manually) - can you see your router?
