Rich wrote: Try hitting Ctrl-Alt-M a couple of times and see if that pulls the positioning bar back onto the screen.
== Thanks, but of the 3 to 7 items that I can remember, I can't allocate one the <that trick>.
== If it's a known PARALYSING fault, why isn't it fixed.
Your previous counter to my "X is known to be a monster" gave `top` ..etc. showing X to be economical
with CPU [and RAM]. For me the user's cognitive-load is more important. That's why [90's] wily is my
killer-app. BTW since you use opera-11: can it do NewsGroups? When I installed TC64, opera-12 was the
default; but it's impossibly complex to try to do NNTP, and opera-13 has abandoned trying to NNTP.
PS. I'm also avoiding X for TC64, since the designers have decided to not use X as the default.
Related: right-now I'm writing via USBstik:slax64 [partly because I must have read-pdf].
Of course slax64 uses X, and chromium, and definitely shows <overload problem> symptoms.