Why linux community is not much interested in developing Mobile OS , the way they have provoded robust alternatives to Windoze ?
.. Though Android may be an OpenSource project but most of its apps are proprietary .
.. 1 ) Tizen is completely open-source and truly linux based with active support from Linux Foundation , but due to lack of App Developers support , mobile users have lost intetst , but still ticking.
.. 2 ) Ubuntu Touch is in initial stages with only Chinease Meizu and a Spanish company showing some interest.
.. 3 ) KDE has shown some interest in 'Plasma Mobile' OS with integration of present KDE apps , but except Nexus5 phones it is nowhere.
.. 4 ) Post Market OS based on Alpine linux may do to old phones which initial linux systems did for old XT, P1 , P2 etc desktop computers - new lease of life !
.. 5 ) A few other experiments like eelo , LineageOS , Sailfish which is an extension project of prvs Meego of Nokia , Firefox based cheaper smartphones etc are in very primary stages which may or may not see the market attention .
.. Now the question is , why different linux developers including *TinyCore are not taking much interest to extend their desktop based expertize and enthusiasm - to develop Mobile opetating systems and / or apps ?
Or am I missing some recent developments on this front ? ..