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Author Topic: No touchpad on Porteus fixed  (Read 3315 times)

Offline PDP-8

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No touchpad on Porteus fixed
« on: April 23, 2018, 06:31:22 PM »
Just a note for others who may be using Porteus 3.22 and have no touchpad...

On a recent Acer A114-31-C4HH laptop, you change the UEFI bios setting for the touchpad from advanced to "basic".   Now you'll have full control of the touchpad.  Other "distros" I've tried don't seem to mind the default advanced setting in the Acer, but for some reason Porteus 3.22 gaks on it without changing the touchpad to "basic" in the bios for this model laptop.

Problem is, other "distros" may now not take full advantage of the touchpad, even if it works in "basic" mode.  Latest bios does not cure that situation, so just beware. :)

 (Note - to change bios settings in this model, you have to set up your supervisor password to gain access to all the rest of the functions, like secure-boot disable, selectable boot device F12, etc)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 06:37:45 PM by PDP-8 »
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