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Author Topic: problem of permission on repo.tinycolelinux .net  (Read 2121 times)

Offline osjbe

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problem of permission on repo.tinycolelinux .net
« on: January 10, 2018, 01:04:46 PM »
Dear Gurus,

I tried to install TinyCore Linux on two machines :
one is a vintage Toshiba 3110CT
the other (used essentially to sort the problems related to PXE booting) is Acer ES1-131 C151T (Intel Celeron N3050, a low-end dual-core SoC, RAM 2048 MB, Storage 32 GB eMMC Flash)
On both machines I could let PXE booting to work using tinycore-current,  the howto described in https://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/92856-pxe-boot-tinycore-using-centos and  as server another computer running  Lubuntu 16.04

I got the TCL GUI on the Acer machine and CLI on Toshiba :

The PROBLEM is that when I try to download new extensions using CLI from both mahines with tce-ab I get this :

"Connecting to repo.tinycorelinux.net (
wget: can't open 'abiword.tcz' permission denied
md5sum: abiwword.tcz.md5.txt : No such file or directory
Error on abiword.tcz "

When I use the GUI app-browser on the Acer machine :

If I answer yes to the question  'First run -would you like the system to pick the fastest mirror ?'
I get "Could not load mirror list. Maybe network issue ?"
if I answer NO :
I get "Fatalerror: TCE Directory is not writable."

The laptops are recognized by the router of my network,
I can ping google.com, wget using either www.google.com or works
I have chmod /tmp/tce so that it is writable by ugo (o+w).

Thanks four your help, regards


Offline curaga

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Re: problem of permission on repo.tinycolelinux .net
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 01:16:17 PM »
What is the tce directory? Your howto link has a "tce=/cde" boot option, so it'd be that dir, not /tmp/tce.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline osjbe

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Re: problem of permission on repo.tinycolelinux .net
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 02:16:37 PM »
Thank you very much  Curaga,

sudo  chmod -R go+w /cde solved all problems both in Appbrowser and CLI (tce-ab) for the Acer machine. I will try also on the vintage Toshiba.

Thanks again, regards