Thanks for your input Rich and patrikg
Sorry I haven't been more active. I am not getting notifications of thread replys.
Have you tried to add "--start-fullscreen" to the command line ?? For chromium.
In short, I've tried every switch I could find in documentation (chromium and firefox), none of them work.
Yes I've tried the kiosk extensions that I could find for the browser's I tried.
firefox &
sleep 2
xdotool key "F11"
I saw the xdotool solution a while back but did not find it in the 8.x repo. I've just checke the 7.x repo and its not there either. I guess I'll try the 6.x and keep going until I find it.
Other's whoe tried resorting to xdotool due to browser's not deploying to full screen for kiosk setup's found their commonality was they were trying to use ultra light desktop manager's. People using Gnome or KDE are not having this progblem.
I've been testing with some success following a guide for debian, using debian 7 (xorg+lightdm+matchbox-window-manager) I'm not sure I want to use debian for this. Its minimalist install is bigger than TC. BUT the debian solution is working whereas I still have a lot of stuff I have to fix with the TC solution to make it viable and secure. Disabling the context menu's for example.
I will search for xdotool.tcz and report my findings.