Hi. I would like to edit audio with 'non-daw' on TC 7.2 (x86), using an external device for playback.
Sound from this device works with ALSA, but with JACK I only hear silence.
And non-daw only utilizes JACK.
The playback device (Zoom H1) is mapped as 'hw:2,0'. I've created an .asoundrc to make it the system's default device:
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hw:2,0"
I've tried launching jackd realtime with the following commands:
sudo jackd -R -d alsa -d hw:2,0
and also:
set_rlimits jackd
And I set up a ~/.jackdrc with the same jackd command (without sudo).
Eventually I also tried 'qjackctl' (from TC 2.x repository, but it seems to work).
Console outputs don't seem suspicious -- e.g see the issue I posted on non-daw's github:
https://github.com/original-male/non/issues/222But I still get no sound in non-timeline. Neiter with the version in the repos nor the one I compiled myself from latest source.
Neither is JACK recognized by Audacity (should it be?), nor by Ecasound (it should be; I compiled it with jack support).
But, once more, with ALSA the 'hw:2,0' device works, so the mapping seems to be correct.
Looks like TC doesn't recognize JACK the way it should.
I really need (and want) to get non-daw going on this machine. What else could I try?
(Also, I was suggested to try the 'jack-play' command for testing playback.
It's in the 'jack-tools' bundle; unfortunately this is not available on TC,
and the compilation failed for me.
Maybe somebody else can try compiling it?
The source can be found here:
Many thanks!