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Hi polikuo

--- Quote from: polikuo on August 24, 2017, 10:02:53 AM ---Yep, you read it right.
Elapsed time: 30 seconds  :o just for a line of Hello World!
--- End quote ---
To be fair, if you're compiling, the elapsed time of the first run is typically slower than any subsequent runs. I'll put numbers
behind that statement with a quote by myself from an old thread:

--- Quote from: Rich on May 28, 2011, 03:57:05 AM ---[ ... SNIP ... ] I've also seen it suggested to run cache-clear periodically in the background
to boost the reported amount of free memory, this is a bad idea. To demonstrate, the program I am
currently working on takes 2 seconds to compile. After running cache-clear it takes 10 seconds to
compile, and if I compile it again it's back to 2 seconds. It runs faster because the memory manager
is keeping the most recently used data in RAM. [ ... SNIP ... ]
--- End quote ---
Of course there is the possibility that with your memory constraints there isn't enough RAM to cache anything long enough
to be of use later on. ::)


--- Quote from: Rich on August 24, 2017, 01:59:57 PM ---Hi polikuo

--- Quote from: polikuo on August 24, 2017, 10:02:53 AM ---Yep, you read it right.
Elapsed time: 30 seconds  :o just for a line of Hello World!
--- End quote ---
To be fair, if you're compiling, the elapsed time of the first run is typically slower than any subsequent runs. I'll put numbers
behind that statement with a quote by myself from an old thread:

--- Quote from: Rich on May 28, 2011, 03:57:05 AM ---[ ... SNIP ... ] I've also seen it suggested to run cache-clear periodically in the background
to boost the reported amount of free memory, this is a bad idea. To demonstrate, the program I am
currently working on takes 2 seconds to compile. After running cache-clear it takes 10 seconds to
compile, and if I compile it again it's back to 2 seconds. It runs faster because the memory manager
is keeping the most recently used data in RAM. [ ... SNIP ... ]
--- End quote ---
Of course there is the possibility that with your memory constraints there isn't enough RAM to cache anything long enough
to be of use later on. ::)

--- End quote ---

Actually, the first time I built hello.c, it took only 15 seconds.
I forgot to take a picture so I re-run gcc for photographing.
Noticing the time had changed, I kept retrying.
The more I do, the slower it gets, until it reaches 30 seconds.
I believe it's due to the swapping process, the hard drive rattles when I compile.
Guess there really isn't enough RAM to cache anything long enough.  ::)

Then again, I wonder how long it would take to compile hello.c on say the typical workstations of yesteryear, like the Sun 3/80 pizzabox for example:

Or maybe even a NeXT box! etc etc.

From that perspective, your machine would be the ultimate dream.  I'd hang on to it and stop laughing at it. :) :)

I have a K6-300 I booted it on a few weeks ago so I could clean off the disks before I recycle it. I didn't try the GUI, but downloading hdparm and e2fsprogs was easy enough. The problem with old computers isn't booting an OS, it's POSTing because the CMOS batteries are all dead.

if you enjoyed this dusty old thread then you might also check this one out:,3216.0.html


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