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A friend of mine challenged me to boot TC via the crappiest PC he could find.


Let's see what we've got ...

CPU: Intel Celeron FV524RX300 (300MHz) with 128K L2 cache, over clock to 450MHz
Mother Board: GIGABYTE GA-6VXE7+
Graphic Card: AGP-SIXX
Hard Disk: HITACHI 80G IDE
Sound Card: I have a USB sound card, just gotta dig it out
Internet: Currently unavailable, maybe I'll get a working net card someday

Does it boot ?
Sure it does.  :D

Tiny Core KERNEL: 8.1rc2 32-bit
Boot Loader: SYSLINUX (EXTLINUX) 6.03
X server: Xvesa 800X600X15

Wait, I thought you just said 64M of RAM ? ???
Does the X server even run ?
Seriously, don't you see the picture above?  ::)

How about compiling some stuffs ?
Why not ?
Let's do a simple "Hello World!"

Yep, you read it right.
Elapsed time: 30 seconds  :o just for a line of Hello World!
Memory usage please refer to the image.
(Sorry with the quality of the image  :( )

Is there anything else you wanna try it out ?
Comment below.
I may try it if I have the time  :D

Hi polikuo
I can't tell if you used it but try  nozswap  in the  APPEND  line. That should free up a little more RAM.

Your image resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels for the screen shots is a bit excessive. Scrolling on my browser actually
becomes a bit jerky because it's busy rescaling the image to fit the page every time it's scrolled into view. Maybe you
could go for something in the 800 x 600 range?

Hi polikuo
You won't be able to edit your post because it's been more than 30 minutes since you wrote it, but if you PM me links
to a couple of rescaled pictures I'll edit the post for you.


--- Quote from: Rich on August 24, 2017, 11:05:38 AM ---Hi polikuo
I can't tell if you used it but try  nozswap  in the  APPEND  line. That should free up a little more RAM.

--- End quote ---

I don't have that code, will try it.

--- Quote ---Your image resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels for the screen shots is a bit excessive. Scrolling on my browser actually
becomes a bit jerky because it's busy rescaling the image to fit the page every time it's scrolled into view. Maybe you
could go for something in the 800 x 600 range?

--- End quote ---

Adjusted, I think it's OK now.

--- Quote from: Rich on August 24, 2017, 11:20:18 AM ---Hi polikuo
You won't be able to edit your post because it's been more than 30 minutes since you wrote it, but if you PM me links
to a couple of rescaled pictures I'll edit the post for you.

--- End quote ---

I edit the file on imgur, I believe it should be fine since the forum links to them.

--- Quote from: polikuo on August 24, 2017, 10:02:53 AM ---Sound Card: I have a USB sound card, just gotta dig it out
Internet: Currently unavailable, maybe I'll get a working net card someday

--- End quote ---

BTW, USB audio card totally works with alsa on this machine.  :D
In fact, the music plays smoothly.  8)
(Tested with both wav and mp3 file format.  :) )

There's no net card around me, I hope it'll work out just like the audio card when I eventually get one.

Hi polikuo

--- Quote from: polikuo on August 24, 2017, 11:21:21 AM ---Adjusted, I think it's OK now.
--- End quote ---

Thank you, that's perfect.


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