it's a hard way to bring core up on my HP5735 ...
To clarify. My aim for now is to install core on the 1GB flashdrive, no external usb stick, no network boot, no external cd drive, no ....
PXE was just an attempt to get the installation running. But no luck yet. Every other ISO i.e. manjaro linux, gparted runs this way without any problems. Coreplus fails ...
So I decided to bring core to an usb-stick an boot from usb-stick to start installation. I downloaded core2usb and installed Coreplus on the stick. But final I get an non bootable usb-stick.

Ok, then I have copied the Coreplus ISO to my E2B stick. Booted the E2B environment, selected Coreplus.
First steps looks like booting via PXE, but then there is some more (yellow) output on the screen.
And wow the GUI is up and running.
Next problem was to find the location of core.gz ...
It was not automatically detected when running tc-install.
Finally I get it installed, but the grafik resolution is ugly, because the monitor want's 1980x1080 and this is not a resolution provided by the vesa list.