You can easily see how I solved this by looking at the contents of /init
I failed to look at all places, except the obvious

With this solution, I guess the memory used for the initramfs is not reclaimed (guess based on no explicit unmount in the init script and that mount command shows a rootfs mounted at /)?
Could this memory be reclaimed at all? Since init runs from this filesystem I guess it could be hard to dispose of it?
If the memory can not be reclaimed, one could possible improve the memory situation by a scheme like the following:
- build the drivers for filesystems and other elements used short after boot into the kernel
- load rest of the modules currently in tinycore.gz thru an extension during tc-config
Since the loading of extensions are made fairly "late" in tc-config, some re-ordering of the stuff in tc-config might be needed.
This would make tinycore.gz "free" from kernel modules and make the non-reclaimable memory portion smaller (smaller initramfs).
Another benefit of this solution is for people like myself that uses tinycore with a custom kernel. This way one could use the standard tinycore.gz with "any" kernel, since all things needed before tc-config would be in the kernel and the rest of the stuff will be thru an extension that is built for that particular kernel and loaded by tc-config.