Regarding WiFi there is a bigger issue..
the RTLWIFI modules in:
wireless-4.8.17-tinycore.tcz &
call the wrong firmware (among other issues) and cause mayhem when the kernel attempts to load them.
I created a temporary fix by way of an extension containing the latest compiled corrected modules, at least until the next TC version, or we update the above wireless extensions.
This obviously begs the question, how do we resolve this issue with coreplus?
We can either:
1. update the above wireless extensions, (need to advise curaga for this) or
2. separate the above wireless extensions from "wireless_tools.tcz.dep" and add a boot stanza and xrbase.lst (onboot.lst) in coreplus.iso for rtlwifi which includes rtlwifi-4.8.17-tinycore.tcz instead of wireless-4.8.17-tinycore.tcz