I expect folks to use the clearly defined extension install method, Namely;
Code: [Select]
tce-load -iw
but you're welcome to choose a method which suites your style, just know that
folks can't be expected to switch gears and methods because one person chose the most
difficult method of installing extensions. From what I've seen some folks use wget to
download extension, but they usually fail to get the required dep file, deps and md5 files,
etc etc and make a mess of their install.
Doesn't the DESIGNED method assume a working inet connection to START with?
Anyhow, even Links has an address bar last I saw..?
the path to "Browse TCZs" given in the address bar is
http://tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86/tcz/=> links gives an alphabetic list:-
with no <hotlinks> to proceed; except to <goback>.
then simply change the version and architecture paths appropriately to suite.
You should come to this conclusion, it's not designed to trick anyone..
Code: [Select]
http://tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/tcz/rtlwifi-4.8.17-tinycore64.tcz.infolinks is good for fetching text or htm* files.
http://tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/tcz/rtlwifi-4.8.17-tinycore64.tczbut binaries are [also] written to screen [uncomfortable], although
<save to disk> can select "formatted document" or <as is>.
So by links mc shows: rtlwifi-4.8.1~inycore64.tcz 847872
http://tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/tcz/rtlwifi-4.8.17-tinycore64.tcz.dep http://tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/tcz/rtlwifi-4.8.17-tinycore64.tcz.md5.txt Remember to reboot after installing and loading for the first time.
Well yes, it's more complicated than that:
now I'm in V7x to use WiFi. I only got <trapped> into V8x because of wanting
gpm-root -- which now confirms OK in V8x.
My <syslinuxConfig> has many entries/selections.
I could be messing around, wrongly assuming I'm in V8x or V7x.
I don't like not being able to confirm where I am eg. by: uname -a ==
Linux box 4.2.9-tinycore64 #1999 SMP Mon Jan 18 19:59:34 UTC 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I vaguely remember V8x showed <March> ?
Thanks for the effort.