I'm running piCore 9.0.3 on RPi B+V1.2, with just Xorg and tigervnc-viewer extensions. I wonder how can set German keymap for both text mode and X.
My difficulty with the text mode is that the book mentions kmaps.tcz, which is (currently?) not found by tce-ab - otherwise I could use the kmap bootcode. A manual edit in /etc/sysconfig/keymap reverted after next boot, despite filetool.sh -b.
For X, it could be possibly easier with full TC.tcz installed, but that'd be an overkill for my application. tce-ab founds no tcz providing setxkbmap. Can creating /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf with proper XkbLayout value help in my case?
Am I thinking too sophisticated?