Tinycore is here 12/1/2008! Welcome visitors.
nano /home/tc/.X.d/run.sh
#!/bin/shsudo acpid -dfl
sudo chmod +x /home/tc/.X.d/run.sh
Start the acpi daemon via the init.d script for normal use.
sudo acpi start
Add "/usr/local/etc/init.d/ acpid start" to /opt/bootlocal.shDo NOT edit the init.d file, and don't put anything in ~/.X.d.
Do NOT edit the init.d file, and don't put anything in ~/.X.d.
don't put anything in ~/.X.d.
Add "/usr/local/etc/init.d/ acpid start" to /opt/bootlocal.sh
It seems a space accidentally slipped in./usr/local/etc/init.d/ acpid startshould be/usr/local/etc/init.d/acpid start