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Author Topic: can't access TCE from USB  (Read 4071 times)

Offline tcFan

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can't access TCE from USB
« on: June 12, 2017, 07:59:08 PM »
  Hi, trying to boot from a pendrive..

I did a frugal install and it boots, but it can't seem to find and/or access the tce dir, even with the tce= bootcode. This also happens if I try the cde bootcode (and rename the tce dir accordingly).

if I remove that bootcode and let it scan the drives, it finds the tce dir from the previous version (and loads everything fine).

Another symptom is that when I try to ls the usb drive, I can't do it without sudo. But permissions seem correct..

Please advise.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 08:00:42 PM by tcFan »

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2017, 08:07:30 PM »
Hello tcFan

Did you add  waitusb=5  boot code?

Offline Misalf

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2017, 08:31:25 PM »
Code: [Select]
waitusb=5:LABEL="<LABEL>"  tce=LABEL="<LABEL>"/tce-8.x
where  <LABEL>  needs to be replaced with the partition label and  /tce-8.x  with the name of the tce dir.
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Offline polikuo

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2017, 04:03:20 AM »
I did a frugal install and it boots
Another symptom is that when I try to ls the usb drive, I can't do it without sudo. But permissions seem correct..

I believe there is something wrong with your USB.
The installer should set the permission as 775 and the ownership as root:staff.
Please check if that's the case.
Or you could have locked your USB by accident.
Do you have a physical lock (switch) on your USB ?

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2017, 08:14:03 AM »
Before anything, please post the output of
Code: [Select]

Offline tcFan

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2017, 01:47:05 PM »
Hi folks,

it works! thanks all. Here are the course of events:

1) tried waitusb=5  .. did not help;
2) checked permissions again, seemed fine.. last resort (since I think this is auto), chowned /mnt/sde1 itself. Works! I can only assume it inherits the ownership of the root folder of the partition? (say . at /)

3) went on to follow the instructions to load a tce dir from a raid setup (made from another distro and works with it). Went mostly without hiccups;
4) boot then can't find sde1, which this time was solved by waitusb=1 ...

So original problem is solved. (thanks!)
new problem is it cannot find the mdadm partition. It loads the tailor made mdadm-boot.tcz (so the usb is fine indeed, although I'd like to know of where to buy something that actually respects the lock.. my SD adaptors to microSD (or is the other way around?) make no difference when "locked")

the packages for mdadm, raid and squashfs, along with some others for wifi (for when I tried to get them from the CLI unsuccessfully) are still there. (on /pre, in the usb, together with the mdadm-boot.tcz above, which loads)

If I try to add mdadm.tcz to onboot.lst it shows some complaint messages which I can't read (any way to pause that boot screen?).

There are a couple of those messages that seem to always appear(even with only mdadm-boot.tcz on the onboot.lst):

   A mkdir one (I think it's on tce/optional? but says it can't find it, could just be mdadm is not loading the raid), and below that a chown one (possibly on the same dir)

Another symptom: when I was building the package and working with mdadm, it found the raid and all but the partition was empty. (no tce dir or anything else). Perhaps the filesystem mounting is happening before it and a onboot command should be added (perhaps a etc/fstab?)

Offline Misalf

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2017, 01:54:57 PM »
(any way to pause that boot screen?)
Yeah, try the  pause  boot code.
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline tcFan

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2017, 12:33:53 PM »
okay. some progress:

placed mdadm on pre/optional and in onboot.lst (I thought it loaded everything in tce or pre automatically, and onboot was only for /optional/ ?);

it now finds the package, says OK, and it is loaded after login, which allowed to check the version and maybe here's the problem, it's 3.2.5 from 18th may 2012 while the other distro has 3.3 from 3 sept 3013. Wasn't it supposed to be backwards compatible. :-/

Anyways, either manually or the mdadm-boot script (at least this proves it's working), when running the command: "mdadm -A --scan", says "unexpected failure opening /dev/md126"

which is a different error from when building the boot script/package. Perhaps it requires the Raid package? Should I try also placing raid inside /optional and onboot.lst?

Offline tcFan

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Re: can't access TCE from USB
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2017, 01:20:46 PM »
Update: Oops, forgot to copy the .dep over to optional/ as well ^_^ So, yes, it required raid but then it also had to be in optional.

Another modification I had to do to the raid instructions was the name of the device, had to add a "p1" (for partition) for it to find. But, yea, now everything* works! \o/

Thanks all!

* at first it reiterated that previous problem about a blank filesystem, but adding the p1 seem to have fixed it. Although this doesn't explain why manually scanning the disks for raid also gave this problem.. no idea.