that I know it works I need to figure out how to do it with piCore.
Cluster Hat is for a camera project, piCore with pi camera works, but why waste SD cards.
Normally i use pikrellcam on Jessie Lite for security cams but it takes ages to install and update/upgrade is stuffed these days and I would have to do it 4 times.
Been trying to get Lazarus/FPC running TC piCore, command line FPC works, need to make it a tcz.
That should lead to Ultibo on piCore for development, no more Raspbian bloat
What value is there to boot a rpi attached via USB to a computer?Well the USB boot is slower, Ultibo from SD is < 2sec boot.
The advantage is no SD card swapping, faster development etc.
Now that I know it should work I can skip all those crazy/complex instructions on the Cluster Hat pages.
How about using Zero's as RT controller for normal Pi's, no SD, just update run code on boot.
Ultibo kernel.bin so far have been < 3MB for the projects I have done with it.
This is day two for my adventures into Zero coding, before now it has just been write sd and boot.
Give me a few more days and I should think of a few things

Compile rpiboot on Raspbian, copy to piCore.
Wonder if piCore could copy itself to Zero's?