> appears to support these hardware
oh.. he he he ^.^
strange, this time I forgot to backup xorg.conf and the opposite happened, now X did *not* start (same fail on waitforX).. after regenerating the file, it worked, but then nvidia-settings could not properly detect the max resolution, and topped at 640x480, which I`ve found to be kind of cheating that Mplayer now *did* run at a proper speed

I suppose I could manually edit the monitor entry on xorg.conf for the resolution? `cause if I do it through nvidia-settings(actually even then I have to do it manually but) it only changes the "spanning" (I have to drag the mouse over the edges to see the rest of the screen, resolution still low)
> But first are you using TC-7.2 ?
I downloaded it recently... yes, when I type 'version' at the console it replies 7.2
> use APPS, tce-ab, or tc-load -wi
I'm using APPS (tho the instructions have us leave X to replace it, so had to use tc-load)
btw, I had a little issue with APPS in that it seems it can't add or remove to the onboot/ondemand lists without root privileges. Although I'd guess adding/removing stuff from the system would be something only root should be doing, I'd say it's rather confusing to n00bs :-D specially since it says I shouldn't be running as root for some other tasks (I can't browse the repo when running by sudo, for instance). This apparent contradiction led me to believe I did something wrong in the installation, 'cause I did a "manual frugal", if there is such a thing

so perhaps some permissions are off, say the cde was supposed to be on a read-only media or something. (but in that case, the doc (overview/faq) about using unetbooting should add a chmod command to the renaming of cde to tce?)... anyways.. I digress.
> which driver and version is it using successfully?
Curiously, it seems to have both installed (nv 2.1.20 and nouveau 1.0.13, both with the option to upgrade that last version number by 1, but I won't dare since it's working hehe) but, regarding nv, it says: "This driver is largely obsolete, usually the Nouveau driver will provide better results." So I'll try your latter suggestion, that was pretty much what I was looking for but for some reason I mistakenly thought tc didn't had it. Thanks

> Also, You could install Xorg-7.7
Yes, I used the 7.7 for the above experiments (now I`m using the 3d version).. I was pretty sure the nouveau driver would work but, waitforX again.. what should I place at the driver section of xorg.conf? tried nouveau to no avail.. the entire name "xf86-video-nouveau"? I`ll check what the other box uses when I get around to booting it.
PS.: btw, is there an easier way to get text from the terminal? it seems vim was compiled without clipboard :-D had to use the vanilla editor on wbar... lol