First Thank you and congratulation for the
absolutely wonderfull TinyCoreLinux : because of its Read-only concept, this is THE perfect Linux for embedded IOT.

I would like to suggest all
OrangePi hardware, mainly because :
- they are one of the most popular/serious competitor of RaspberryPi
- compared to Raspberry Pi , they are
way cheaper- There is a lot of different hardware versions, perfect for IOT
- This chinese company seems to have understood that playing WITH the OpenSource community can be mutually beneficial.
Development should not be that hard for gurus like you knowing that :
- One forum member has already succeeded to port TinyCoreLinux to some OrangePi model (
see here), and some others members seems to be interested....
Armbian already supports it fine
- various OrangePi sources can be found on GitHub
- If I remember correctly, I've read somewhere (maybe here) that the latest Linux kernel natively supports H3 processors
Best regards,