Tiny Core Base > Other architectures

Which board to support?

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Orange pi plus 2e and orange pi pc2 mainline kernel.
That would be awesome.

Firstly - thank you so much for PiCore!

Lately I have been looking at the

Libre Computer Board AML-S905X-CC 4K (2 or 4gb models)

There are many boards out, but the reason I am interested in this one is from an engineering point of view.  Some boards look great, but may suffer greatly in voltage drop when loaded, and result in premature throttling.  A stiff power supply and decent short cabling of course fixes that, but when the average user has to solder directly to the pins rather than use the micro-usb connector, it loses it's appeal.

The Libre Computer board claims to use 50% less power than an RPI3, and can operate at a lower voltage than others, but since I don't own one, I can't verify.

The other aspect that I'd have to ask a developer about is how *truly* open is the Libre board hardware, allowing developers to do their thing without having to beg for information or rely on totally closed binary blobs that could become inefficient a few years down the road with new kernel requirements...

And, the Libre board is available online.  I could snatch one tomorrow.

Lots of pi-copy boards could be reproduced, with small improvements here and there, but the Libre Computer Board seems to have a real "raison d'etre" beyond just being a Pi competitor....

Oops - I was wrong, they only come in 1 or 2gb ram versions.

I picked up the 2g version - we'll see how it goes.


any chance to see TinyCore on OrangePi ?

Best regards

+1 for Asus tinker please


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