Ah thanks guys - I've been using picore so much that I forgot to check the TC repo.
But, yes I'd love to see the joe editor for PiCore.
Main reason: *columnar* editing features.
I knew friends/coworkers who bought spreadsheets solely for this function. Back in the day it was 123. Years later I still see people buying office-suites just to use excel to modify columnar data. Talk about bloat.

The right way I suppose was to cobble up some awk scripts, but only us greybeards were into that.
But, the ability to do columnar editing *in situ* has proven invaluable to me at times. Hence my need for dosbox just to run the VDE editor.
Back then, the editors with the ability to be put into columnar editing modes was a very simple means for me to create and maintain ascii-based user newsletters and such with columnar data features.
If you are a cli-guy, once you see columnar editing - well - mind BLOWN.