Fortunately its easy to get N root-terminals in VT-mode;
because controlling the <XwinManager> needs more training than to land
an aircraft..
Any major <control program> should show the user WHERE YOU ARE.
TC's only shows, after the user very carefully [to avoid capturing apps
from other Desks] opens the <XwinManager>.
I tried to make a listing/table of the pattern of where the mouse landed
when opening the <XwinManager> from each of 6 Desks..
It seemed random/complex ?!
No we don't want absurdities like M$ or KDE with-bouncing-monkeys.
Before my systems were stolen, my preferred WindowManager was BlackBox
[now obsoluted by fluxbox] which like TC's had the <window tree
inside the mouse>, with only a small <panel> identifying the current
Desk, and taking much less area than TC's <appsMenu>..
BB's appsMenu was INSIDE-the-mouse, and non intrusive, and being a
tree, could cater for Many and rationally classified apps.
What is the trick to navigate TC's window-tree without unintentionlly
moving apps between Desks ?