There are two kinds of keymaps in TC - console ones in /usr/share/kmap, which are in the kmaps.tce extension, and Xorg ones, which are in /usr/local/share/X11/xkb. There are much more Xorg keymaps than console ones, but to use them one needs to also configure Xorg.
Kagashe's keyboard switcher is designed for the Xorg keymaps.
i don't undestand! one upon a time... I saw (!) some keymap in usr/share/kmap.
today i was going to /usr/local/share/X11/xkb and what do i see there? a lot of folders, files....
I think problem is (shick!) not enough place in my local! 1k! I can't install even unistall.tce! ;-)
I'll kill tcllocal file and i'll begin with empty local!
ooo is to big to my local (ooo 100mb, my local is 2xx mb.)
enen Wbar is disappered!