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Author Topic: Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?  (Read 2795 times)

Offline bkm

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Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?
« on: February 21, 2017, 06:26:16 PM »
I have an application that had been running on a windoz box that fetches a CSV file from another server and makes a fresh database every 30 min. This database was then served up with apache for windoz and was behind my router firewall. I used a DDNS service to make it available all the time so I could go to my small site and search for items in the most recent database.

Of course MS operating systems do not like to run headless and have to be rebooted way to often to make this viable now. I want to use an older PC headless with a linux distro to perform the same function, but a full blown debian configuration without GUI is still a bit cumbersome and is vulnerable to corruption if there is a power failure.

This is the perfect scenario for TC booting from a USB drive because the USB drive would almost never see a write operation and power failures would simply reload everything back to starting position. A simple boot script can fetch the CSV file again on reboot and the cron job (every 30 min) keeps everything fresh.

It seems like everything else I would need for TC to do this is available already. A multitude of web servers, PHP5, MySQL, even some SSL packages.

The only problem is I cannot find a DDNS client (like ddclient) for TC to let me keep the IP address updated to the DDNS service. I was hoping that someone here could point me to one that has already been ported to TC but I have not been able to find anything in the available packages that I recognize to do the job.

Can anyone point me to one?  ???



Online Rich

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Re: Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 08:32:44 PM »
Hi bkm
According to bmarkus in this thread:
ddclient is a perl script. Do a Google search for  ddclient  and you'll get a hit for  sourceforge  where you can get a copy.

Offline xyz-worx

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Re: Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 04:35:03 AM »
Hi bkm,

I'm using 'inadyn' on my TC installation (3.8.4, very old, I know). Up to TC 4.x there
was a tcz-package available. I Suppose, this will not work for newer TC-version.

But you can find sources on sourceforge and github and compile it yourself. An advantage
might be that you don't need the perl-package to run ddclient.

best regards


Online Juanito

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Re: Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 08:01:43 AM »
inadyn does not have a dep file, so there's a resonable chance it would work on tc-7.x.

You could download it from here and try:


Offline bkm

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Re: Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 11:44:13 AM »
Thank you all for the suggestions. I like the idea of trying inadyn as an alternative. I will spend the next few days putting the system together and building the database automation. I'm just a little slow right now from a week in bed with a nasty flu and am just now getting back to work on this project. I will post back with progress as soon as get something running.


Online Juanito

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Re: Is there a ddclient equiv. in TC repository?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2017, 02:07:14 AM »
inadyn posted to tc-7.x x86 repo