My head is spinning trying to figure out how to install Corepure64, or any flavor tc for that matter, to a usb flash drive. There's one tidbit here, a bunch of meaningless (to me) bafflegab there, and a whole bunch of cryptic stuff everywhere. Its like trying to put a 3-D jigsaw puzzle together while blindfolded and wearing boxing gloves.
I know you mean well, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to help, but what would really have the masses praising your name for a thousand generations would be if one of you uber-guru types could put together a comprehensive yet easy to understand step-by-step guide.
Yes. it would be time consuming on your part, but would that not be better in the long run to have that guide to point to, freeing up some time for you to delve into more challenging issues. Yes, I do realize that this is one of those "When you're up to your ass in alligators" situations but I know from personal experience that you never really know just how much you know until you try and teach it to someone else, and most people offering to help are trying to achieve a greater understanding themselves.
I would really hate to give up on this as I really like the whole concept here, but this is just getting to be too bloody frustrating. (Please forgive me, but I'm also trying to figure out zsh completions as well as writing scripts to recode my multimedia files while replacing a lot of videos that disappeared due to hdd failure.)