Hi all,
I try to remaster the piCore image and I have some problems. I already know how to remaster TinyCore, but doing the same with piCore is slightly different and not documented.
* On TinyCore, the simplest way to remaster is to use a separate image with our modifications and boot with two initrd (initrd=/boot/core.gz,/boot/myimg.gz). Is there a way to do something similar with piCore in the config.txt file?
* I then tried to extract the 8.1.5v7.gz file to make changes directly in the image file and repackage the file:
cp /mnt/mmcblk0p1/8.1.5v7.gz /mnt/mmcblk0p2/
cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/
unzip 8.1.5v7.gz
mkdir src
cd src
cpio -idv < ../8.1.5v7
<!-- Change some files -->
find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > /mnt/mmcblk0p1/8.1.5v7.gz
I have two questions:
* Even when changing nothing inside the image, the size of the repackaged image is slightly bigger than the original one: how is the original image generated in the first place?
* If I change a file in the opt folder (bootsync.sh, bootlocal.sh, shutdown.sh, tcemirror) the change is not present when I boot (even with no extension loaded). I think these files must be overriden during the boot process but I don't know how: how are we supposed to change bootsync/bootlocal when we remaster?
Thank you for your answers.