Hello ,I am new to PiCore so please forgive me if I am doing something wrong.
Firstly let me say that it is a really great system, excellent for standalone embedded hardware. Many thanks to all involved in putting it together.
I will just report a few minor teething problems I have encountered running on an old Pi model B+.
I downloaded and installed piCore-8.0.img and it boots just fine with no apparent errors.
To get to know and understand the system I edited the boot flags and removed quiet, added showapps and pause. Rebooting now gives an error while loading gcc_libs "mount: bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop12, missing codepage, or helper program, or other error."
I found that the md5 for gcc_libs.tcz was incorrect. I redownloaded piCore-8.0.img checked the md5, and wrote to anther SDCard using Win32DiskImager, but the same issue was there. I fixed it by deleting gcc_libs* and using tce-load to reinstall it.
I next touched copy2fs.flg and rebooted. It now gives an error for each package
"package rm: applet not found"
I have tracked this down to tce-bootload line 133 "os.system(sudo busybox.suid rm -r -f......". My fix has been to just remove ".suid" and remastered the core.gz. However I am not sure on the correct use of the SUID bit and is it needed after sudo so may have messed this up.
Anyway I now get a clean boot without any error messages.
I notice that during each boot considerable time (>20secs) is taken rebuilding the rsa keys, immediately followed by a restore and overwrites them.
Would it be better if new keys were rebuild only if norestore is specified or the backup file does not exist? But I am not sure that my sh skills are good enough.
My next task will be to install and setup Samba, I am not clear what the recommended way to start daemons, do I just add a line to bootlocal.sh?
Anyway an impressive system. Thanks.