...by downloading via a non-TC device ?
The dependency-tree that I manually traced,
starting from:
http://tinycorelinux.net/7.x/x86_64/tcz/mc.tcz.depwas only these that I fetched:--
glib2.tcz libgpg-error.tcz pcre.tcz
glib2.tcz.md5.txt libgpg-error.tcz.md5.txt pcre.tcz.md5.txt
libffi.tcz libssh2.tcz slang.tcz
libffi.tcz.md5.txt libssh2.tcz.md5.txt slang.tcz.md5.txt
libgcrypt.tcz mc.tcz
libgcrypt.tcz.md5.txt mc.tcz.md5.txt
!! PLUS the missing: libslang.so.2
From the extract of the alphabetically ordered listing:--
...it's seen to be MISSING from http:<TC extentions list>
IMO the 1st utility to be installed on a minimal system is gpm,
and mc is the 2nd.
> Once you've downloaded the extensions you need,
> copy them to your tce/optional folder and
> then "tce-load -i extension_name" to load them.
? No! My non-volatile file, with *.tcz, *tcz.md5.txt
for each installed to RAM is called: \cde\optional
==> L:\cde\optional <-- contains MANY *.tcz, *tcz.md5.txt
NB!! Some of the dependencies of mc are ALREADY in L:\cde\optional !!
eg. pcre.tcz 311296
TRY: tce-load -i <dirOfExtnsns>/<ExtnToBeLoaded>
-> tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/cde/optional/mc.tcz == mc.tcz: OK
tc@box:~$ which mc == /usr/local/bin/mc
-> mc ==
mc: error while loading shared libraries: libslang.so.2:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory