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Author Topic: xorg-<specific> drivers and mesa query...  (Read 3187 times)

Offline nitram

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xorg-<specific> drivers and mesa query...
« on: November 23, 2016, 03:37:15 AM »
Don't recall exactly, since Jessie probably my dCore system's have required setting  'Device" option:
Option     "DRI"    "false"

Running dCore-Stretch, for example, if DRI option not set to false the system boots to black screen, no mouse pointer, can't exit without REISUB. With the DRI false option can't run glxgears, reported swrast issue

On this old hardware, i believe i'm just getting software rendering at this point. Nonetheless loading the 'intel' driver works well, xorg.conf enables the desired resolution and DRI false enables boot with Xorg errors.

I've noticed issues between xorg-all and xorg-<specific> before but couldn't pinpoint. Looking at the extensions, it's apparent xorg-all includes more than just additional graphic hardware drivers.

Here's a mesa comparison from dCore-Jessie, there are probably other additional packages too:



Using xorg-intel in dCore-Stretch, when  libgl1-mesa-dri  is loaded then the xorg.confg DRI false option is no longer required.

Similarly, in dCore-Jessie loading  libgl1-mesa-swx11  fixes the issue, enables glxgears (~60fps), less Xorg log reports.

Not sure if extra 'mesa' packages should be added as dependencies to all xorg-<specific> drivers? It would probably prevent black screen boots for some hardware when switching from xorg-all to an xorg-<specific> driver, but the extensions would be larger.

Offline Jason W

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Re: xorg-<specific> drivers and mesa query...
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2016, 01:04:33 AM »
I am investigating this, the difference between xorg-all and the individual drivers.  I am using i915 built in chipset from ~2003.

Offline Jason W

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Re: xorg-<specific> drivers and mesa query...
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2016, 01:35:40 PM »
Though my i915 works with xorg-intel and with decent acceleration when the graphics* kernel package loaded, I have added libgl1-mesa-dri and libgl1-mesa-swx11 to the deps of xorg-intel.  This adds about 20MB to the resulting xorg-intel.sce, but still quite a bit smaller than xorg-all.  Unaccelerated use of an intel video card and small sce size can be achieved with the xorg-vesa package.

Offline nitram

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Re: xorg-<specific> drivers and mesa query...
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2016, 05:23:36 AM »
Thanks for the dependencies, for me function trumps size. Your hardware's getting long in the tooth too, might help with future releases. In dCore-jessie my resulting bootlist SCE was only 10MB larger (125MB -> 135MB), which included both extra dependencies. Although everything appears to work okay there was an update error. Think it might just be a minor glitch, will report in new thread. Thanks again.