I just tested out dCore-stretch and dCore-plus-stretch with the new busybox 1.27.2. THANK YOU Jason!
Appreciated how xterm in dCorePlus picked up on the built-in Luxi font with the usual ctrl-right click options etc. Testing was just low key burn and boot from CD, using a home tce directory on a hard drive. Works great.
I like busybox so much that I edited my path to put the /bb directory right up front in my .ashrc, and no problems there with dCore upon reboot.
When I put the /bb directory right up front in my path in .ashrc on dCorePlus however, it called the posix-police .. and dumps a temporary "-n" file in my home directory as punishment.

From memory:
expr: warning: '^/dev/tty[0-9]\+$' ^ as the first character of a basic regular expression is not portable
mktemp unrecognized option --tmpdir
Hmm.. I never made a file beginning with a dash before, so this deletes it with the double-dash option (but it returns of course even after flushing it and a subsequent filetool.sh -b)
rm -- -n
Noticed too that if I just do a quickie without just manually editing my path, but use this instead in my .ashrc
I'll end up with multiple instances of the /bb directory up front
echo $PATH
/bb:/bb:/home/tc <==== rest of normal path
Just having fun with the RC's, and noting the quirks of putting busybox up front in the path. Nothing crashes.... having a blast learning things...