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Author Topic: Has any user installed TC64:mc?  (Read 3724 times)

Offline labeas

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Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:25:28 AM »
...by downloading via a non-TC device ?

The dependency-tree that I manually traced,
starting from:
was only these that I fetched:--
glib2.tcz                 libgpg-error.tcz          pcre.tcz
glib2.tcz.md5.txt         libgpg-error.tcz.md5.txt  pcre.tcz.md5.txt
libffi.tcz                libssh2.tcz               slang.tcz
libffi.tcz.md5.txt        libssh2.tcz.md5.txt       slang.tcz.md5.txt
libgcrypt.tcz             mc.tcz
libgcrypt.tcz.md5.txt     mc.tcz.md5.txt
 !! PLUS the missing: libslang.so.2

From the extract of the alphabetically ordered listing:--
...it's seen to be MISSING from http:<TC extentions list>

IMO the 1st utility to be installed on a minimal system is gpm,
and mc is the 2nd.

> Once you've downloaded the extensions you need,
> copy them to your tce/optional folder and
> then "tce-load -i extension_name" to load them.

? No! My non-volatile file, with *.tcz, *tcz.md5.txt
for each installed to RAM is called: \cde\optional

==> L:\cde\optional <-- contains MANY *.tcz, *tcz.md5.txt

NB!! Some of the dependencies of mc are ALREADY in L:\cde\optional !!
eg. pcre.tcz 311296

TRY: tce-load -i <dirOfExtnsns>/<ExtnToBeLoaded>
-> tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/cde/optional/mc.tcz == mc.tcz: OK
tc@box:~$ which mc  == /usr/local/bin/mc
->  mc ==
mc: error while loading shared libraries: libslang.so.2:
  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Online Juanito

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2016, 07:03:02 AM »
was only these that I fetched:--
glib2.tcz                 libgpg-error.tcz          pcre.tcz
glib2.tcz.md5.txt         libgpg-error.tcz.md5.txt  pcre.tcz.md5.txt
libffi.tcz                libssh2.tcz               slang.tcz
libffi.tcz.md5.txt        libssh2.tcz.md5.txt       slang.tcz.md5.txt
libgcrypt.tcz             mc.tcz
libgcrypt.tcz.md5.txt     mc.tcz.md5.txt
As already mentioned, you need to download extension_name.tcz.dep when it exists (glib2.tcz.dep, libssh2.tcz.dep, libgcrypt.tcz.dep, mc.tcz.dep).

!! PLUS the missing: libslang.so.2
This file is in the slang extension, which would have been loaded via mc.tcz.dep

> Once you've downloaded the extensions you need,
> copy them to your tce/optional folder and
> then "tce-load -i extension_name" to load them.

? No! My non-volatile file, with *.tcz, *tcz.md5.txt
for each installed to RAM is called: \cde\optional
It is only called /cde/optional when booting from cd/dvd/iso. If you copied the iso to hd or a usb stick, you need to rename cde/optional to tce/optional

Offline labeas

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2017, 06:45:34 PM »
Written Thu Jan 19 16:06:30 EST 2017

When installing from a minimalist system, first, even before an editor,
I want gpm; often chroot-ed from another partition.
TC's X-mousing is of course good.

But the next essential tool for me is mc.
I can't make any progress with <TC64> without mc, and a recursive
d/l of the dependencies is not an option, also because I need to
switch to M$ to use the WiFi.
I can't re-boot to M$ for every leaf of the dependency tree,
when the clerical work of listing the leaves not already in the
basic system should already exist. mc is not a rare/exotic app.

Getting WiFi to run on TC64 seems to be near impossible:
 the hardware is:
Realtek RTL8723BE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E NIC
 Driver version : 2023.10.415.2015
 Physical Address: AC-E0-10-DF-8D-91
and I traced that it needs to install:
>] • Wifi problems with rtl8723be in Ubuntu 14.04 3 answers
>] • How do I get a Realtek 8723BE wireless card to work? 6
>]                   answers
...another BIG problem.

Doesn't anybody else use mc for TC64 ?
Here's my lame/skeleton version:---------------------------------------
#!/bin/busybox ash
echo "mymc"
cat << EOT
 Apparently Slak & Deb have different formats
==> this is setup for Lenny; Semms OK for TC
Now! MetaEditing mymc via mymc
read -p "E to edit this es or Q/quit 1=miscl;2=debian;3=slk? ="  ACTION
 case $ACTION in
            E | e) mcedit /usr/local/sbin/es ;;
            Q | q) exit;;
            1 ) lynx nntp://news.eternal-september.org:119/comp.os.linux.misc ;;

            2) lynx nntp://news.eternal-september.org:119/alt.os.linux.debian ;;

            3) lynx nntp://news.eternal-september.org:119/alt.os.linux.slackware
            Q | q) exit;;
            *) echo -n "an unknown number of";;

# exit

write_menu ()

 echo -n 'pwd='
 echo  $PWD ;
# add line-no & show some fields of 'ls -l'
ls -lt |    # redundant potential bug cause: `ls -lt` !!
# awk '{print NR "\t" $1 " : " $3 " : " $4 " : " $5 " : " $9}'  | more
awk '{print NR "\t" $1 " : " $5 " : " $9}'  | more
read -p "Selection file/dir: " SELCTN

# extract the file/dir via the line-no/SELECTN
FileDir=` ls -lt |
awk -v dirline="$SELCTN"  'NR==dirline { print $9 }' `

read -p "R[move, V[iew, E[dit, cD[ir, U[cd ../, Q[uit, M[kdir, C[opy, F[ind  = "\
 case $ACTION in
            R | r) read -p "dest-file-name: " DEST; mv $FileDir $DEST;;
            U | u) cd ../;;
            V | v) cat $FileDir | more ;;
            I | i) dpkg-deb -I $FileDir | more ;;
            E | e) editor $FileDir;;
            D | d) cd  $FileDir;;
            M | m) read -p "new-dir name: " KEY; mkdir $KEY;;
            C | c) read -p "dest-file-name: " DEST; cp $FileDir $DEST;;
            F | f) read -p "string: " STRING; read -p "Days old: " FileAge
        echo -n 'Found files here containing PHRASE ' > FndStrInFiles
     echo $STRING >> FndStrInFiles
    find . -type f -mtime -$FileAge | \
    grep -v pdf  | \
    grep -v wav  | \
    grep -v mp3  | \
    xargs  grep -l $STRING >> FndStrInFiles # >&2
echo -n "Found for string: "
echo $STRING
            Q | q) exit;;
t | T) echo -n '==TRACE=='; read KEY;;
            *) echo -n "an unknown number of";;
 echo -n 'pwd='
 echo  pwd ;

# find /mnt/sda4/Users/Public/CRG -type f -mtime -7 | grep -v wav | xargs  grep -l Roy
# == Permission denied <- sda4 = M$
# ---------------- MAIN------------
echo "<Enter> to continue"
read Cont;


Offline coreplayer2

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2017, 07:17:39 PM »
Most everybody else connects to a hard line temporarily while downloading deps   

Or boot windows and install virtualbox also temporarily then install TC to a VDI and download to your hearts content.  Then simply transfer your install to a USB thumdrive,  then later to your main installation.

Or compile the wifi driver,  easy peasy, Lots of options ;P

Online Juanito

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2017, 12:59:26 AM »
I can't re-boot to M$ for every leaf of the dependency tree,
when the clerical work of listing the leaves not already in the
basic system should already exist. mc is not a rare/exotic app.

See http://www.tinycorelinux.net/7.x/x86_64/tcz/mc.tcz.tree

..you need to download eight extensions, including mc

Offline labeas

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2017, 01:08:30 AM »
Surprising that no-one else seems to have installed this ESSENTIAL
utility: 3 of the 7 <libraries> are already in the
 minimal ISO installation.

It could be a problem/dangerous that the USBstik is a FAT:FS
so that all files have execute permission.
Especially with mc, where <enter> on any file name does execute.

Let me try one now ?
Yes it sees:
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            42 Dec 25 20:27 mcMd5
as a script, and reports:
$ ./mcMd5
./mcMd5: line 1: 2d1d2ba9b834c7c77903cffe66f814c2: not found

All further actions are now much easier; like reinstalling mc
without RE-reading the proper way to do it; like:
mcReInstall ==
tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/tce/optional/libgpg-error.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/tce/optional/libgcrypt.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/tce/optional/libssh2.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/tce/optional/slang.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/tce/optional/mc.tcz

What about mc's settings like: Sort order.
I can find where these are installed and add to `Setup`:
cp <USBstik/mcSettings> </mcSettings>

Thanks for mc.
Now installing WiFi and all further tasks will be mush easier.
Imagine when `wily` is installed!! But that needs gcc for x64.

First let's get `gpm` -- for VT-mode usage.

Online Juanito

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2017, 02:41:59 AM »
It could be a problem/dangerous that the USBstik is a FAT:FS
so that all files have execute permission.
Especially with mc, where <enter> on any file name does execute.

So format the usb stick with a linux filesystem - there has been a windows ext2/3/4 driver available for at least ten years now  ;)

Offline labeas

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Re: Has any user installed TC64:mc?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2017, 08:00:42 PM »
This is my 1st post via links: a prime example of a EUROPEAN designed MINIMALIST utility;
where the essential info is ALWAYS visible at the TOP; not like gmail or this crap-forum.
     It could be a problem/dangerous that the USBstik is a FAT:FS
     so that all files have execute permission.
     Especially with mc, where <enter> on any file name does execute.

   So format the usb stick with a linux filesystem - there has been a windows ext2/3/4 driver
   available for at least ten years now  ;)
No! I've come to rely on the TCstik. Imagine how much I've invested?! I must:
make a second 2nd proper partition & carefully migrate the work to it,
and importamtly, find out how did the absurdity of installing linux on a FAT happen.
Why whould I want a "windows ext2/3/4 driver" ? TC64 is getting more capabile every day?
I only need to switch to M$ to do my Gmail. And then I'll need some help with an extra
entry in the booter, to be able to boot a 500GB Toshiba USB-drive which has got some good
old 32-bit work, and which I use the <chroot gpm> for TC, until installed.
I can't understand how several 32bit binaries work?
== Thanks for TC.
PS. this 1st links-sent post will likely have bad line-len formatting. Let's see?