Thanks Bela, will try pcmanfm will I get home.
Editors, file manager and browser are important for a development box.
Cannot do stuff with dependencies at work due to firewall

Rust compiled Servo pretty quick on old Linux box and Servo is much smaller than Midori.
Think it is a different Cairo, but it comes when you install rustc.
Servo it still a toy browser, Mozilla guys are playing with it still.
But if Samsung are looking at it as well then it should be good becuase they are porting to Android and ARM which means it should be optimized for 64bit multicore ARM+NEON.
Which just happens to be the new rev Pi2 and Pi3

Not worried about 64bit kernel yet, but want to use the NEON/SIMD stuff in the future on the Pi 3 for Neural networks, machine learning, vision etc.
I think these registers are easier to use in 64bit mode, ie ARM8/Aarch64.
Using a 32bit kernel is like a sprint race where you are only allowed to use one foot