That's a nice improvement, just doublecheck to ensure the purge didn't break any extensions. Having used both, ultimately TC7 will boot faster than dCore, however, i don't think the Tiny Core repository has some of the software you are running. Some other stuff you could consider, reduce BIOS splash or boot loader timeouts, remove items not regularly used from sceboot.lst and place in OnDemand, replace JWM with a lighter WM (eg. FLWM, dwm). Not sure what xorg-base is, if you mean xorg-all then replace this with the specific xorg-driver for your hardware (eg. xorg-intel). Or you could try Xvesa (not to be confused with xorg-vesa) instead of Xorg-all, but it may not work with your hardware or provide an adequate monitor resolution. There was previously a bug where sce-load was double-checking extension md5sums but that was fixed, wonder now if this fix also addressed sceboot.lst items, Jason would know best. That's all i can think of for now.