Tiny Core Base > Other architectures
piCore for the H3 boards - Orange Pi, Nano Pi etc.
--- Quote from: bzfrp on October 20, 2016, 06:12:27 PM ---But how to "unpack piCore initrd in a temp directory" ? (see initrd section in http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,17895.0.html )
--- End quote ---
I found a solution: http://h-wrt.com/en/mini-how-to/uInitrd
Why to do it so complicated? Everything is nicely written in the Corebook:
When you don't know how to, than look there as a first resort.
I didn't find uInitrd, mkimage and uboot in the Corebook. Where the Corebook explain how to unpack uInitrd ? Thanks.
Thanks. I begin to understand. It is in chapter 11 of the Corebook.
initramfs is 8.0v7.gz and kernel is kernel4420v7.img
Ok i got piCore working from eMMC ,
I flashed image.img(i modified your's and added the rev2 files you sent for ethernet) to eMMC using dd command in armbian running on sd card, and then flashed the bootloader .bin file in armbian, this post explaines the bootloader part i did post #8.http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1070-install-to-emmc/
It booted with a lot of errors, how do i fix them, i need to speed up boot.
Link to log file (dmesg)https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxEtx0o2OWjmbzFiSWlQQWVOUm8
Thanks for your hard work.
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