Additionally, welcome xpdx who has hardware constraints which severely limits his ability to highlight and paste from the terminal clipboard or any other clipboard for that matter.. While we tried various methods to cut and paste, highlight and paste, copy and shift insert etc etc. , none were able to cross the multi-clipboard boundaries. So this workaround should help him and others having the same issue who may find it useful
open a terminal and redirect the output of say dmesg to a file in the home directory
dmesg | tail -20 > mydmesg
then from the terminal open "editor"
navigate to the file and open it using: File > Open File Or the " Ctrl+O " shortcut
with the file open in editor select a specific line
or " Ctrl+A " to select all
then " Ctrl+C " to copy
lastly " Ctrl+V " to paste into the desired browser forum web page, irc client, etc. etc..